Competitor Information
We Have a Dry-Hire Arrangement With One Raceway
This means that the HSRCA must organize everything that happens over the weekend, which will stretch our small team. So, please be understanding.
Contacts before the event are Rod Wallace on 0417 273 912 for organizing matters, and Noel or Robyn Bryen our race secretaries. Reach out via email at or Please do not contact One Raceway, we are running the event!
Trailer and Support Vehicle Parking
Note: these arrangements are new for One Raceway:
Larger transporters and trailers supporting cars in pit lane garages (only) can be parked behind the pit lane garages. There is direct concrete access to these Garages.
Covered trailers can be parked at the back of the concrete pad / skid pan, nearest Braidwood Road.
All other trailers need to be parked at the top of the hill, near the cabins. Access is via the internal road running behind the circuit. Signs will direct you.
Competitor Sign On – Friday
Competitors are encouraged to complete their documentation check and obtain their program on Friday 31 January. This will be at the “Navy Box” office, on the main internal access road, opposite the carports.
There is no fuel available at the circuit. Please arrange your special fuels in Sydney, or otherwise before the event!
Private Practice on Friday 31 January
If you have not already entered, you can enter on the day. Entry fee is $250.
Bump-In on Thursday Evening 30 January
Bump in will be available from 3:00pm to 6:00pm on Thursday evening. The gate will be locked from 6:30pm. Please note these times as they are fixed, and the gates will then be closed.
Of course, unloading on Friday may be more convenient and you are welcome to do so with the consideration that practice will be running that day.
Erecting Tents in the Paddock Areas
Entrants are allowed to erect tents on the new concrete areas (which will be defined) as at SMSP, with no pegs of course. The grassed areas are not available for this event.
Noise Restrictions and Enforcement
The history of noise issues at this site has been well documented. The circuit is still subject to the previous restrictions, and the current rules to ensure compliance and the continuity of use are published on the One Raceway website as follows:
- Vehicles in track activity must not exceed 95db measured at 30 metres
- Monitoring is constant and breaches of the limit are reported immediately to race control, who will black flag any car which infringes, this is the only warning
- The HSRCA will not refund entry fees for competitors who are affected by a noise exclusion.
MyLaps Transponders (For Timing)
One Raceway has set up their timing system as compatible only with the MyLaps system, and we will be providing appropriate transponders gratis for this event. They will be handed out at check-in and will last all weekend.
We cannot use our Dorians at One Raceway.
Camping Onsite Will NOT Be Permitted
What is that old expression? Please do not ask, as refusal may offend!
Power for Marquees
There will be a large generator for the marquees. Please bring an extension lead and power board to connect to it.
Food and Drink Facilities
One Raceway is not yet operating the cafeteria and the HSRCA will therefore engage a food truck, supported by a coffee van onsite over all three days. We have selected a vendor who knows the site and provides a variety of foods, but of course you are always free to self-cater.
Spectators Will receive Free Entry
We will not be charging for spectators on this occasion, for a few reasons. So, tell your friends and colleagues to come along, watch some great historic racing and keep the food vendors happy!
BBQ on Saturday night
We will provide a function with food and drinks on Saturday evening shortly after the last event to enable competitors and their friends to meet and thank the officials. This will be in the area of the Briefing Room.
The “Olympic Cabins” are Not Available to Hire, On This Occasion
You should book your Goulburn accommodation immediately as there is another large event planned for that weekend.
Circuit Closing Time
The circuit must be vacated by 6:00pm each day (except for the Saturday BBQ) and the gates will be locked.