JKL April Newsletter

Dick Willis’s April JKL Newsletter has gone out to members and an abridged version can be downloaded from our club website here. This installment features an entertaining wrap-up of the JKL events at the Phillip Island Classic, along with other JKL related goodies. Hit the following link to download it and catch up on all … Read on

Eastern Creek All Historic Winter Race Meeting 2011

This event has now concluded, please head to our ‘Entry Forms‘ page for up-to-date information. There’s nothing like hot engines, brakes and tyres to warm the fingers (and hearts), so it’s time to burn off the winter blues with some tyre-melting historic motorsport at Eastern Creek. The event will take place on the 25th to 26th … Read on

Australian 1960s Racing Cars ( M and O) Newsletter No.14

Ed Holly’s excellent M and O racing newsletter has received its first edition for 2011, and is available for download on our website. This issue covers a massive amount of historic motorsport, with everything from our February Wakefield Park event, the Phillip Island Classic, and the New Zealand component of the Tasman Revival featuring. For … Read on

Club Plates Information Updated

Our ‘Club Plates‘ page has been updated thanks to feedback from our community. Hit this link to head to the page itself, or the following two links to download the updated documents: Conditional Registration and the HSRCA [DOC] Club Plate Rules [DOC]

Phillip Island Classic 2011 Gallery

[slide] It has been a busy few weeks for historic motorsport in Victoria. First up was the VHRR’s annual Phillip Island Classic, followed the next week by the Formula One opener in Melbourne, which gave both historics and Formula 5000s a fun opportunity to deliver a master class in the more exciting lines around Albert … Read on