The HSRCA’s 2011 activity calendar

It’s time to break out your diaries, or Google Calendars, because we have just updated our events calendar with all of the HSRCA’s meetings, all historic race meetings, and other relevant events for 2011. These dates may change over the course of the year, so remember to check back here for more information.

2011 is shaping up to be another fantastic year for fans of historic sports and racing cars, with plenty to keep you busy throughout the year, all over Australia.

You can download the calendar in PDF format here

Or click this link to go straight to 2011 in our live calendar page

The biggest event of them all, the Lotus Sydney Tasman Revival 2010, is just one week away now and I can already feel the raucous rumble of those F5000s. Head to the official site for everything you need to know about the event, we look forward to seeing you there!

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