Autumn Festival to be Run Without Spectators in Light of COVID-19

Autumn Festival COVID Announcement

In the light of COVID-19, the 2020 HSRCA Autumn Festival will be held for only entrants, crew and family, officials, circuit staff, club members and invited RFS personnel. Unfortunately, we will be unable to welcome spectators to the meeting. The HSRCA is monitoring the COVID-19 situation closely, seeking advice and will comply with government advice … Read on

Programme of Events, Entry List, Further Regs and Garage & Carport Allocation for Autumn Festival Now Available

The program of events, provisional entry list and garage and carport allocation for this weekend’s 2020 HSRCA Autumn Festival are now available to download. Grab them from the following links (right-click and ‘Save-as’, or just view in your browser): 2020 HSRCA Autumn Festival Further Supplementary Regulations [PDF] 2020 HSRCA Autumn Festival Programme of Events [PDF] … Read on

Autumn Festival COVID-19 Update: Saturday 14th March

2020 HSRCA Autumn Festival

We are writing to advise that next weekend’s Autumn Festival will go ahead and the government’s advice regarding gatherings of more than 500 people has been carefully considered. Further explanation will be provided on the website shortly. We want to assure everyone that we are monitoring the COVID-19 situation closely and continually, as well as … Read on