Eastern Creek All Historic Winter Race Meeting 2011

This event has now concluded, please head to our ‘Entry Forms‘ page for up-to-date information. There’s nothing like hot engines, brakes and tyres to warm the fingers (and hearts), so it’s time to burn off the winter blues with some tyre-melting historic motorsport at Eastern Creek. The event will take place on the 25th to 26th … Read on

9th of March Social Meeting Cancelled

The HSRCA social meeting previously scheduled for the 9th of March, 2011 has been cancelled. We apologise for any inconvenience caused by the cancellation and appreciate your understanding. If you are aware of anyone who was planning on attending the event and who may not know of the cancellation, please let them know. The next … Read on

Schedule and entrant list for Wakefield Historic Summer

The lights are about to turn green for the HSRCA’s first race of the year, and what better place to start than Wakefield Park? A true driver’s circuit; it is challenging, fast and fun. It is also a great track for new drivers who are looking at getting into historic motorsport. The draft programme and … Read on

Previously at Wakefield Park…

[slide] In just over two weeks’ time we’ll be off to Wakefield Park for our first track event of the year – the HSRCA’s Historic Summer at Wakefield Park. So let’s have a look back at what happened the last time the HSRCA and friends visited Wakefield Park! Last time out we ran an MG, … Read on

Comprehensive Tasman Revival Coverage Continues

[slide] The wealth of Tasman Revival coverage continues, with Derek ‘DeeJay51’ completing and publishing his comprehensive, entertaining and well-photographed coverage of the weekend. He has been kind enough to share his work with us, so please head over to his site at http://www.deejay51.com/tasman_revival_2010.htm for his full coverage. He has everything from Vintage and PVT racing, … Read on