Your Invitation to the 2017 Summer Festival at Sydney Motorsport Park

HSRCA's 2017 Summer Festival

Entries are now open for the HSRCA’s 2017 Summer Festival at Sydney Motorsport Park, to be held over the 11th & 12th of November, with private practice offered on the 10th. You are most cordially invited! Click this link to enter the event via the ARDC Competitor Portal. Entrants, download event documentation below: 2017 Summer Festival Supplementary … Read on

Entry Now Open for the CAMS Foundation’s 2017 Drive Day

CAMS Foundation Drive Day

The 2017 CAMS Foundation Drive Day will be held at Sydney Motorsport Park on Monday the 14th of August, and entry is now open. The day is a great opportunity to enjoy some track time on the classic Sydney circuit and will generate funding to be invested in the CAMS Foundation, which works to identify … Read on

Introducing the HSRCA’s 2017 Summer Festival

HSRCA 2017 Summer Festival

The Summer Festival is set for the 11th & 12th of November, 2017, and will see the HSRCA returning to Sydney Motorsport Park for the first time in 2017 to hold our biggest historic race meeting of the year. The return to Sydney Motorsport Park’s flowing curves and longer straights will give some of the … Read on