April Private Practice Day at Sydney Motorsport Park

Due to the cancellation of Top Gear, the ARDC have decided to put on a private practice day on Friday the 17th of April, 2015. Sessions for L2S CAMS licences will be provided along with sessions for faster groups to suit the cars that turn up on the day. Garages and carports are free and … Read on

2015 Sydney Retro Speedfest Entry Pack

Entry to the 2015 Sydney Retro Speedfest, to be held over the 6 & 7th of June, 2015, is now open, and a full entry pack is available for download on the website below, or through our ‘Events & Entry Forms‘ page. As usual, entry to the 2015 Sydney Retro Speedfest is preferred via CAMS Event Entry. Click … Read on

2014 Tasman Trophy Wrap-Up and Gallery

Tasman Trophy Historic Racing

Images: Seth Reinhardt Welcome home, and thanks for a happy weekend of historic motorsport! The 2014 Tasman Trophy was held over the last weekend of November and produced a stunning weekend of historic racing for the wonderful group of volunteers, drivers and spectators who support us. Take a few minutes to put your feet up … Read on

Tasman Trophy Friday Practice Schedule

Practice for the 2014 Tasman Trophy kicks off this Friday the 28th of November, and the schedule of events for practice is now available to download from the website. Simply hit this link or right-click and ‘Save-As’ to download a copy: 2014 Tasman Trophy Friday Practice [PDF]