Committee Profile: Wayne Wilson, Brabhams BT 21 and BT29 – Group O

Wayne Wilson

We are lucky as a club to be supported by a strong committee made up of hard working and passionate people. You may know some well, but others not as much. So, over the next couple of weeks we are going to go behind the scenes and spend some time getting to know the people keeping our club running smoothly in 2020.

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A Long Affair: The Story of a Life Well Lived with a Lotus Elite

Brian Caldersmith with Lotus Elite

Brian Caldersmith recently got in touch to share his latest portrait, featuring him and his lovely Elite, and shared a few words on their time together. Enjoying both efforts, I asked if he would be interested in expanding on the story for something to share here. A few days later, I received the wonderful story you see below, which chronicles a life well lived with his Lotus Elite.

Read on and enjoy, with huge thanks to Brian Caldersmith.

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2019 HSRCA Summer Festival: Wrap-Up and Photo Galleries

2019 HSRCA Summer Festival

We’re settling back into life in the present after spending a wonderful weekend in the golden age of motor sport with the 2019 HSRCA Summer Festival at Sydney Motorsport Park. To help you adjust, we’ve assembled a magic collection of images from the event, and have a few words to share as well. Read on! … Read on