Autumn Festival COVID-19 Update: Saturday 14th March

We are writing to advise that next weekend’s Autumn Festival will go ahead and the government’s advice regarding gatherings of more than 500 people has been carefully considered. Further explanation will be provided on the website shortly.

We want to assure everyone that we are monitoring the COVID-19 situation closely and continually, as well as seeking advice and taking appropriate measures to manage the risk. Of course, if government advice or directives change substantially, we will be obligated to follow them.

We will of course take all precautions to promote good hygiene and encourage everyone to do the same. On that note, we ask that those who have travelled to heavily affected countries in the previous two weeks, or who present symptoms matching those of COVID-19, to please stay home.

Please practice good hygiene, including washing your hands often with soap and water, minimising close contact with others, such as touching, and covering your mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze.

We wholeheartedly support anyone who wishes to withdraw from the meeting in light of the situation and will accommodate withdrawals due to these concerns, wellbeing or the more usual mechanical maladies that accompany historic racing.

Our government produces a weekly epidemiological report, which can be found by clicking this link. The World Health Organization website has information about protective measures at this link.

So, for now at least, the 2020 HSRCA Autumn Festival is on, and we are looking forward to getting together and spending a weekend enjoying our cars, the countryside and some very good company.

We will be in touch early next week to share an entry list, programme of events, garage allocations and any further regulations or additional documents. We will also keep in touch regarding COVID-19 and any other meeting updates.

If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

We look forward to seeing you in Goulburn at the Autumn Festival March 21-22,
The HSRCA Race Committee

1 thought on “Autumn Festival COVID-19 Update: Saturday 14th March”

  1. Thanks for the update, but unfortunately I and my family will not be attending as the risk of contracting the virus is simply too great especially knowing the mortality rate at circa 3% for those at a senior age.


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