Motorsport Australia Extends Licence Expiry Dates

Via Motorsport Australia Motorsoprt Australia has extended the expiration dates of certain licence types to compensate for our inability to put them to use during the COVID-19 pandemic. Motorsport Australia President Andrew Papadopoulos said “We are certainly very keen for motorsport to return, but we are currently in somewhat of a holding pattern as we … Read on

An Update on HSRCA Events During COVID-19

It will come as little surprise that, as we navigate this unprecedented global event, the club has had to make changes to its plans for the year. The safety of our community is of the utmost importance, as is our respectful compliance with government regulations, and so for the foreseeable future we will be staying … Read on

Photo Gallery & Wrap-Up: 2020 HSRCA Autumn Festival

2020 HSRCA Autumn Festival

We’re back home after a quiet but hopeful Autumn Festival, and since it looks like we’re going to be here a while, why not take some time out to enjoy a few photos from the weekend. This was a meeting that very nearly didn’t go ahead, with the COVID-19 situation escalating rapidly and continually. It … Read on