JKL Newsletter for June 2011

We have reached June, and are now only three weeks out from our Eastern Creek All Historic Winter race meeting. To help pass the few remaining weeks until we’re out racing historics again, take a look at Dick Willis’ latest JKL newsletter.

Group N Touring Cars at Eastern Creek

[slide] The Australian Racing Drivers’ club (ARDC) took over Eastern Creek International Raceway on May 15th, 2011, to hold a New South Wales State Championship meeting. Group N and Group C & Group A were on hand to lend some historic muscle to the proceedings. The historic touring cars and fearless drivers that make up … Read on

Tony Caldersmith’s 1928 Amilcar on the Road Again

One of the things I really enjoy about driving historic and classic cars is the manner in which people react to them when they see you pottering, rumbling, and sometimes spluttering down the road. Classic cars capture kids’ sense of imagination and wonder, and rekindle the spark in a grown up’s eye. They make people … Read on

Pre-order Discount For Race Fuel At Eastern Creek

A heavy right boot and a weekend of high octane historic motorsport is a brilliant way to burn a few tanks of fuel. Race Fuels is supplying our All Historic Winter Race Meeting this June, and offering a 50c per litre discount for those entrants who wish to order and pay for their fuel for … Read on

JKL April Newsletter

Dick Willis’s April JKL Newsletter has gone out to members and an abridged version can be downloaded from our club website here. This installment features an entertaining wrap-up of the JKL events at the Phillip Island Classic, along with other JKL related goodies. Hit the following link to download it and catch up on all … Read on