Pat Burke to Speak at HSRCA 18th of March Social Meeting

Forty years ago this February, Warwick Brown became the first Australian to win the Tasman Series. Patron and team owner Pat Burke was behind this effort, and will present many previously unseen photos at our social meeting on Wednesday the 18th of March. The Tasman Series was comprised of eight races held in New Zealand … Read on

Your Entry Pack for our 2014 Tasman Trophy Historic Race Meeting

Entry packs for our November Tasman Trophy historic racing meeting, coming this November 28 – 30, 2014, are heading out to members and the entry form, supplementary regulations (read them), and entry letter are available for download right here on the club website. To enter the HSRCA November 2014 Tasman Trophy race meeting: Click this link:, … Read on

Australian 1960s Racing Cars (M and O) Newsletter No.27

Image: Peter Schell The latest edition of Ed Holly’s magnificent M & O newsletter went out to members late last week, which means it’s time to share it right here on the club website! This edition kicks off by paying respect to Sir Jack Brabham, before recapping the Sydney Retro Speedfest and taking a look … Read on

Your Entry Pack for Our 20th Anniversary Meeting at Wakefield Park

This event has now concluded, please head to our ‘Entry Forms‘ page for up-to-date information. Entry packs for our upcoming 20th anniversary meeting at Wakefield Park , coming this September 26 – 28, 2014, are heading out to members and the entry form, supplementary regulations (read them), and entry letter are available for download right here on … Read on